Customer success

How BD Rowa reduces the downtimes of order picking systems

Dr. Dorothee Gösswein
Project Manager, BD Rowa

Reliable customer service and continuous improvement are our top priorities. ORAYLIS quickly and efficiently managed to build a digital cloud-based platform providing us with the data from our machines in near real time while ensuring high security standards.

This solution enables our service team to immediately react to technical problems and to proactively prevent malfunctions. It helps us to reduce the downtime of our machines even further, resulting in higher availability our clients can benefit from. We are therefore glad to be able to count on the ORAYLIS team’s support in the future, turning our visions into success.

At a glance

  • Client: BD Rowa Germany GmbH
  • Sector: Industry/order picking systems for pharmaceuticals
  • Project goal: Providing real-time analyses of machine data in applications for service and customers
  • Technologies: Microsoft Azure IoT, Databricks Power BI Embedded

Becton Dickinson Rowa Germany GmbH (BD Rowa) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of order picking systems for pharmacies, hospitals and pharmaceutical wholesalers. The complex systems of the company based in the small community of Kelberg in Rhineland-Palatinate support healthcare facilities in 53 countries to efficiently store and manage the supply of pharmaceuticals. In this context, smooth service processes are indispensable. Any downtime of the costumer’s systems would lead to bottlenecks in the supply of medicine to patients.

“Since we are a part of the health care system, our work is based on speed, efficiency and safety. This is why offering reliable customer service for our complex systems is of great importance. At the same time, we continuously strive to improve,” Dr Dorothée Gößwein, Project Manager at BD Rowa, says. “Digitalisation and the use of real-time data open up completely new opportunities for us. Just like we wanted to improve our products, we also wanted to be able to have more time for our customers, while technology takes care of the other tasks automatically.”

BD Rowa Automaten - So senkt BD Rowa die Stillstandszeiten von Kommissioniersystemen

Agile methods guarantee reliability

The set goals were clear, but how could the plan be put into practice – especially in terms of technology? As Dr. Dorothée Gößwein explains, “For such a complex project, you need the right partner on your side. The solutions proposed by ORAYLIS immediately convinced us that they would be the best partner for us to implement this project. The team had a clear idea of what our solution should look like. At the same time, the agile working method of our partner always assured us that we were on the right track.”

Data delivered in real-time

ORAYLIS built a state-of-the-art digital platform in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Previously, machine data was collected on hardware servers in a lengthy process and could only be processed or forwarded at fixed times. The platform now enables a centralised data collection from all customer plants and makes it available in near real time. This applies not only to basic information, error messages or temperature data that the cooling units of the plants continuously send; even extensive videos generated by cameras inside the machines are available immediately. For this purpose, highest security standards in the transfer of data were indispensable.

Avoid malfunctions before they occur

BD Rowa’s support staff can now quickly and efficiently access all of the relevant information via a user-friendly web application. “This enables us to proactively support our customers,” Dr Dorothée Gößwein says enthusiastically. A return channel in the cloud solution even makes it possible to carry out necessary work remotely. Likewise, enquiries to the hotline can be processed with the constantly updated app data without lengthy waiting periods. In addition, the database allows forecast scenarios that can be used to avoid malfunctions in the systems before they occur. “All of these new possibilities help us to further reduce the already low downtimes of our plants, so that our customers can benefit from even higher availability.”

In the future, the cloud approach in Azure will make it possible to flexibly add more and more attractive functions and digital services. For example, BD Rowa’s next step is to use its existing data for an application that allows customers to independently gain valuable insights into the performance of their machines. “Therefore we are very pleased that the ORAYLIS team will continue to support us in our future plans as a guarantee for success ,” concludes Dr Dorothée Gößwein.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Client: BD Rowa Germany GmbH
  • Sector: Industry/order picking systems for pharmaceuticals
  • Project goal: Providing real-time analyses of machine data in applications for service and customers
  • Technologies: Microsoft Azure IoT, Databricks Power BI Embedded
Dirk Ohligschläger
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Customer success

Digital transformation: evm turns its data into value

Mona Meyer
Division Manager Sales Control and Sales Strategy, Energieversorgung Mittelrhein AG

Before we started working with ORAYLIS, we could only derive business value from our data at great expense. Since the data was stored in many different systems, there was a need for merging the information into one “numerical truth”.

Thanks to their structured and agile approach, the experts at ORAYLIS were able to quickly develop a Modern Data Warehouse in the cloud. We now have a uniform data basis for our business issues – a solid foundation we can build on together. Without external support, such a complex project could have never been realised successfully.

At a glance

  • Client: Energieversorgung Mittelrhein AG
  • Industry: Energy
  • Project objective: Merging the company’s data for new use cases and to create uniform KPIs
  • Technologies: Azure Data Factory, Data Lake Storage, Databricks, Power BI

Energieversorgung Mittelrhein (evm) is the largest municipal energy and service company in Rhineland-Palatinate. Approximately 1,000 employees ensure the supply of green electricity, natural gas, heat and drinking water to a total of 340,000 costumers. Naturally, a large amount of data has always been generated in the daily business – valuable information that, for example, could have been used for creating customer potentials. However, due to the inconsistency of the system at that time, this opportunity went unused: “Our data was available in different individual solutions, some of which were not directly linked,” Mona Meyer, Division Manager Sales Control and Sales Strategy at evm, says. Accordingly, employees in the specialist departments often had to create their queries manually, which cost a lot of time. Quick ad-hoc analyses were also very difficult to carry out.

Reliable decisions were difficult to make

“Above all, however, we had no uniform results and key figures due to the various individual solutions,” Mona Meyer explains. This basis did not allow for reliable decision-making, for example on the distribution of budgets or investments in business and product areas. There was an urgent need for merging the information into one ‘numerical truth’.” A task that initially seemed like an insurmountable hurdle to those responsible: “Given the high level of complexity, the number of people involved and the numerous data sources, we seriously had to ask ourselves: Can this even work?”

An agile approach reduces complexity

The problem was solved by working together with ORAYLIS. “Thanks to the structured and agile approach of our new partner, we were able to quickly get an overview of our initial situation and the next steps,” Mona Meyer says. From day one, the project management team set the right course and involved the appropriate employees in the process. The team quickly worked its way into both the complex structure of the source data and the at times complex technical content. “As the project progressed, the ORAYLIS team was keeping track of everything. Among other things, regular success check-ins and coordination led the project to success in a targeted manner.”

Modern Data Warehouse enables valid decision-making

After only a short period of time, evm had a modern Data Warehouse in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. As a “single point of truth”, the solution collects all data on one platform and finally delivers the desired, consistent key figures. On this basis, the management can now make valid decisions regarding urgent business issues. At the same time, cross-divisional analyses are considerably simplified for employees in controlling, marketing, customer service and sales.

Likewise, the manual effort for standard reports has been eliminated, as these are now provided automatically via Power BI. This saves a lot of time and resources in the process of compiling relevant information. Employees can concentrate on their core tasks. “This is only the beginning of what can and needs to be done. Both our database and our reporting system must now be developed continuously. The expandable cloud approach in Azure and the new platform offer the best conditions for this development. There is one thing that we have learned during this process: For projects like this, it is key to have an experienced partner on your side. We would have never been able to realise our visions successfully with internal resources alone. ORAYLIS provided us with excellent support,” Uwe Worch, head of IT at evm, says.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Client: Energieversorgung Mittelrhein AG
  • Industry: Energy
  • Project objective: Merging the company’s data for new use cases and to create uniform KPIs
  • Technologies: Azure Data Factory, Data Lake Storage, Databricks, Power BI
Dirk Ohligschläger
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Customer success

GermanPersonnel: Digital transformation with new customer services

Christian Oberstädt
Manager Data & Product Strategy, GermanPersonnel

We can now deliver far more quality candidates to our clients for their existing budgets. Thanks to the automated recommendations and success forecasts of our software, ads can be created and distributed much more precisely. And the personal advice provided by our staff has also gained considerably in quality thanks to data-driven standardisations. With this offer we have a real USP that clearly sets us apart from the competition in the e-recruiting market. ORAYLIS has triggered many innovations for us. Together, we are an outstanding team from which much more can be expected in the future.

At a glance

  • Client: GermanPersonnel e-search GmbH
  • Industry: Personnel services
  • Project objective: Establishment of a uniform database and development of innovative recruiting services
  • Technologies: Azure Data Lake, Microsoft SQL Server, Databricks, Power BI Embedded

GermanPersonnel is one of the leading providers of software and services for employee search on the internet in Germany. The company cooperates with Germany’s largest personnel service providers and job portals. With the products of the e-recruiting experts, customers can design their job advertisements and place them on job boards as well as manage applications. In this way, the company has gained special unique selling points on the market. At the same time, it was clear to those responsible that they would not be able to stand out from the growing competition in the long term with this range of services.

Potential in the data was not utilised

“In fact, until then we had only used the extensive data from the recruiting processes selectively, for example for the further development of business processes, products and algorithms for intelligent channel selection,” explains Christian Oberstädt, Manager Data & Product Strategy at GermanPersonnel. “In addition to data, our expertise and a pinch of gut feeling still flowed into our decision-making processes. There was still a lot of potential hidden there.” Therefore, a conscious decision was made to change to a data-driven company. New goals were formulated, such as automatic recommendations when creating job advertisements and predictions about the expected number of applicants. In addition, data should also be used internally by all employees, for example through comprehensive reporting.

Consistent database for reliable evaluations

In order to tackle the ambitious plans in a targeted manner, ORAYLIS was brought in as a partner and guide. An initial status quo analysis revealed that although GermanPersonnel had extensive data, it was not suitable for the desired comprehensive evaluations due to a lack of structure. Therefore, all data from the recruiting processes and other data sources were first brought together in a structured way in a Data Warehouse in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. The preparation of the data for further analysis processes is automated and updated on a daily basis. Thanks to the cloud approach, the solution can grow flexibly depending on the volume of data and the number of customers and key figures.

Michael Althaus ORAYLIS Projekt GermanPersonnel

However, innovations such as predicting clicks and applicant numbers could not have been implemented on this basis alone. “For such requirements, exact information on the entire candidate journey is needed,” explains Michael Althaus, project manager at ORAYLIS. Therefore, a special tracking tool is used. “The tool continuously collects anonymised, event-driven web data from almost 180,000 job ads, with data sovereignty remaining with GermanPersonnel.”

Customers save time and money

Christian Oberstädt, Manager Data & Product sums up the added value of the intelligent, data-based recruiting solution: “Today, we can provide our clients with significantly more high-quality candidates for their existing budgets. Thanks to the automated recommendations and success forecasts of our software, advertisements can be created much more precisely and distributed to the mass of recruiting channels. And the personal advice provided by our staff has also improved considerably thanks to data-driven standardisations.”

Finally, the daily updated statistics enable a targeted control of the ads already placed. At the same time, successes become transparent and measurable. Last but not least, the user saves a great deal of time through a clear and structured management of his job advertisements and applicants.

New service is a USP on the market

GermanPersonnel also benefits directly from the solution. “With this offer, we have a real USP that clearly sets us apart from the competition in the market for e-recruiting,” says Christian Oberstädt. In addition, the company has been able to define economically sensible packages for ad placements thanks to the new analysis options. The more valid planning basis ensures noticeable savings when purchasing traffic and clicks from the relevant job boards. Meanwhile, the fast-growing company is preventing staff shortages in-house by automating processes.

Overall, the digitalisation of all processes leads to significantly higher efficiency and more reliable decisions. Together with ORAYLIS, the company has completed the transformation to a Data Driven Company, and according to Christian Oberstädt, this development is far from complete: “ORAYLIS has triggered many innovations for us. Together, we are an outstanding team from which we can expect a lot more in the future.”

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Client: GermanPersonnel e-search GmbH
  • Industry: Personnel services
  • Project objective: Establishment of a uniform database and development of innovative recruiting services
  • Technologies: Azure Data Lake, Microsoft SQL Server, Databricks, Power BI Embedded
Jens Kröhnert
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Customer success

WMF upgrades commercial coffee machines with real-time services

At a glance

  • Machine data is analysed in real-time and used for innovative customer services
  • Individual apps provide massive savings in time and effort for the various target groups
  • Product manufacturer transforms into holistic solution provider

The business situation of our client

There are countless opportunities in your data to improve your business and make your customers more satisfied – not only in the form of process optimisations and better decisions. Rather, you can create completely new customer experiences with innovative products and digital business models and thereby stand out from your competitors.

Just like our client WMF – the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial coffee machines faced these challenges, among others:

  • Low growth opportunities due to market saturation.
  • Competing products of similar performance and quality
  • Costly service business with regard to required spare parts
  • Data management in heterogeneous system landscape
  • Service instructions mostly in German language

As a result, together with those responsible, we have expanded the company’s products with data-driven applications that significantly facilitate the daily work of the core target groups – specifically: facility managers, food chain managers and service technicians. WMF is thus developing more and more from a pure product manufacturer to a provider of digital services.

WMF Group: Digitale Echtzeitservices für Profi-Kaffeemaschinen 

The solution for our client

In order to achieve the set goals, we have networked all active customer machines with the services of the Microsoft Azure Cloud via the Internet of Things. The central component here is a digital cloud platform. Here, the status data generated by the machines is collected, processed and made available for the various application scenarios. There is also a feedback channel through which the user can send commands to the machines.

In addition, we have connected the company network to the platform and with it other data sources, such as CRM, ERP, telemetry database and media pool. As a result, the platform also functions as a knowledge database that bundles comprehensive information and problem solutions for WMF employees and customers. In this context, existing text documents are automatically extracted and translated into different languages.

Finally, a real-time analysis of the machine data enables very different digital innovations. We provide these as user-friendly apps in a modern UX design. The applications can be seamlessly integrated into other business applications via a standardised interface, so that the user can work with them comfortably in his familiar environment. Meanwhile, WMF’s specialist departments and analysts receive interactive reports for more in-depth analyses.

How data turns into new values

As it turns out, it is not that difficult to make analogue products “intelligent” with cloud services and the Internet of Things. The resulting applications make the work of the various customer groups easier, above all through massive savings in time and effort:

Service technician

  • App provides detailed instructions for fault analysis and rectification
  • Immediate ordering of spare parts on site saves further effort

Food Chain Manager

  • Performance of branches and machines can be evaluated and controlled in real time
  • Necessary measures – for example with regard to capacity utilisation and quality – can be initiated directly
  • Example: New recipes or promotions can be sent directly to the displays of the machines in the shops

Facility Manager

  • App informs which machines in the building require action – for example, to refill coffee beans.
  • In the event of problems and defects, information is also provided for diagnosis and solution.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Machine data is analysed in real-time and used for innovative customer services
  • Individual apps provide massive savings in time and effort for the various target groups
  • Product manufacturer transforms into holistic solution provider
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Customer success

How innogy is preparing for the future with a digital platform

At a glance

  • Data Analytics system in the Azure cloud enables flexible growth
  • All user groups can work with data and generate new values
  • Data from SAP BW can be seamlessly integrated into analyses

The business situation of our client

In many companies, long-standing analytics systems are increasingly reaching their limits. They can no longer cope with the constantly growing number of users and data – and with them the ever increasing demands on data analysis. As a result, a great deal of potential for business remains unused.

The energy supplier innogy also found itself in this situation and turned to us for help. The company needed a future-proof platform that met the following requirements:

  • New data sources can be connected quickly and easily
  • Data can be made available to the largest possible group of users
  • Grow flexibly as new requirements arise
  • Data-driven innovations can be implemented easily
  • The efficiency of company-wide data analysis is increased

A particular challenge was to integrate an existing SAP BW on Hana into the solution. Above all, this data should later be seamlessly available across the entire system.

innogy Projektbericht ORAYLIS

The solution for our client

Due to the high demands on flexibility and future-proofing, we built innogy’s new data analytics platform in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Our platform consists of a data warehouse with classic layer architecture as well as a Data Lake to which new data sources can be quickly connected and used by defined user groups. This means that data from SAP BW can also be accepted, processed and made available very easily.

The Microsoft services Power BI and Excel are primarily available as analysis tools. However, third-party tools can also be used if required. In this way, the needs of all user groups can be covered. It is possible to automatically provide business users with interactive standard reports as well as to give data scientists and business analysts the necessary freedom for ad-hoc analyses. Comprehensive authorisation concepts regulate access to the data.

How data turns into new value

With the new cloud platform, innogy is now optimally positioned for the future in the value-oriented use of its data:

  • The platform can grow flexibly with new requirements at any time
  • Data scientists, business analysts and specialist users can all create new value from data in equal measure
  • Data is quickly and easily available to business departments for analytical purposes
  • Staff can concentrate on the core tasks of value-oriented data analysis
  • Efficiency has increased while costs have decreased
  • The protection of sensitive data is fully ensured

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Data Analytics system in the Azure cloud enables flexible growth
  • All user groups can work with data and generate new values
  • Data from SAP BW can be seamlessly integrated into analyses
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Customer success

From SAP to Microsoft BI: Krones AG modernises its data analysis

Jonas Heindl
Teamleader Business Intelligence, KRONES AG

With ORAYLIS, we have gained a long-standing partner with a lot of competence and reliability. Originally, we used various solutions for the evaluation of our data. These included an SAP BW and an Oracle DWH. This meant that we did not have a uniform database that would have given our employees worldwide a comprehensive view of all data and the corresponding analysis scenarios. Practically every department benefits from our new solution – and first and foremost the customer.

At a glance

  • Client: Krones AG
  • Sector: Industry/Filling and packaging technology
  • Project objective: Integration of SAP and Oracle data on a uniform Microsoft platform
  • Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, Excel, SAP modules, Theobald connector

“Progress” has always been a top priority at Krones AG: The company was founded in 1951 as a classic machine manufacturer. Since then, Krones has developed to the world’s leading supplier of system technology with various subsidiaries, whereby the portfolio includes modern systems from the areas of process, filling and packaging technology. In order to be able to continue to live up to this claim to leadership in the face of global competition, those responsible had to seize the opportunities offered by digitisation and convert their constantly growing data stocks as comprehensively as possible into new values for the business, the employees and, above all, the customers. The starting point for this was the company’s disparate system landscape.

Zentrale Krones AG

Analysis functions were limited

“Originally, we used various solutions to evaluate our data,” explains Jonas Heindl, Team Leader Business Intelligence at Krones AG. “These included an SAP BW and an Oracle DWH with Business Objects. So we didn’t have a consistent, uniform database available that would have given our employees worldwide a comprehensive view of all data and corresponding application scenarios.” In the same way, the individual systems did not meet the demands in terms of performance and analysis possibilities. “The specialist departments could only carry out independent evaluations to a very limited extent and with great effort. Therefore, we decided to replace the existing technologies with a modern, integrated Enterprise Data Warehouse (DWH) with a self-service approach. Whereby the work on the new solution was, of course, not allowed to influence the ongoing business.”

All data on one platform

Thus, with ORAYLIS as implementation partner, a group-wide enterprise data warehouse based on Microsoft technologies was set up in parallel with current SAP developments, and the changeover went absolutely smoothly. “This platform provides Krones with a so-called single point of truth for the first time,” explains Matthias Petig, Senior Consultant at ORAYLIS. “All relevant source systems are consolidated here, such as the SAP ERP and CRM or even the telephone system and planning applications. Data is then updated automatically from the source systems to the analysis cubes of the specialist departments.”

As part of the self-service approach, departmental and power users now create and manage all analyses independently. In addition to tools for ad-hoc analysis, templates are also provided for all necessary standard reports. For the first time, the management receives a uniform board report folder on all key figures. The higher-level functionalities include, in part, multilingual evaluations and the consideration of multi-level authorisations.

Benefits for the client and Krones AG

“Thanks to the easy handling of the analysis tools, the new solution has been very well received by our users,” says Jonas Heindl. “Practically every department benefits from it – and first and foremost the client.” For example, availability analyses and targeted staff scheduling have a positive effect on customer service. The same applies to the analysis of order and complaint processes. With a 360° view of customers and their assets, the sales department can track details of all orders and respond to quotation requests more quickly. Likewise, customer and market potentials can be determined in a well-founded manner.

Meanwhile, Marketing can evaluate its campaign successes in detail and manage them with foresight, so that advertising funds are invested much more efficiently. Purchasing has the opportunity to take a closer look at price developments and suppliers. In production, the evaluation of production data optimises throughput times and the use of personnel and materials. At the same time, the evaluation of material stocks ensures better warehouse utilisation and capital commitment. Finally, the finance and controlling department has a much better basis for decision-making thanks to an automated solution for internal and external reporting. In addition, a valid control of costs and revenues, including profit and loss accounting, is made possible.

Last but not least, Krones has created a basis for the further digitisation of its business: “From a long-term perspective, our aim is to implement data-driven scenarios from the field of Industry 4.0. The new solution provides an excellent basis for this,” says Jonas Heindl.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Client: Krones AG
  • Sector: Industry/Filling and packaging technology
  • Project objective: Integration of SAP and Oracle data on a uniform Microsoft platform
  • Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, Excel, SAP modules, Theobald connector
Dirk Ohligschläger
turn your data into value

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Customer success

Energy giant manages digital transformation with a cloud platform

At a glance

  • Digital platform in the Microsoft Azure Cloud provides mass data centrally
  • Cross-divisional analyses enable diverse synergies for the business
  • New requirements can be implemented quickly and effectively

The business situation of our client

One of the fundamental obstacles in the digitalisation of companies is that each specialist department only works in isolation on its own data files. One of our customers from the energy sector also had to realise this. The provider wanted to finally unlock the potential in its data and achieve valid insights across the company.

The obstacles at a glance:

  • Employees could not work with data across disciplines, so potential synergies remained unused
  • Without a “single point of truth”, divergent key figures and results were circulating in the company.
  • New applications and innovations could not be implemented due to the lack of a uniform, consolidated database.
  • Resources were unnecessarily tied up within the departments for the operation of their own, small data solutions.

Consequently, our client’s objective was:

  • Consolidate all regions and divisions
  • To take over all existing use cases and data
  • To store and process structured and unstructured data
  • To enable the solution to be operated by the company’s own IT department.
  • To implement the technological basis within three months

The solution for our client

The basis of our solution is a digital platform that we built quickly and efficiently using Microsoft Azure Cloud services. This not only enabled us to meet the tight schedule. Rather, our customer has the possibility to use storage and computing capacities according to their current needs.

All company data is now united on the central platform and made available for the most diverse application scenarios:

  • We store data on customer contracts, prices and smart metering in a data lake.
  • The local ERP is connected to the platform and also makes its data available via the cloud.
  • Data from the hydropower sector is visualised directly in real-time dashboards.
  • We also make the data from the wind power sector available to the specialist departments via a real-time route

Microsoft’s leading analysis service Power BI serves as a front-end tool for the presentation of the information as well as free analyses by the specialist departments.

How data turns into new values

With the cloud platform, our client has created the ideal conditions for its digital transformation from a technological point of view. Users from all areas can now finally evaluate data in a combined way to unlock new values and synergies for the company.

Some examples:

  • Customer management: cross-divisional analyses provide new insights and enable the construction of forecasting models.
  • Finance: For the first time, users can carry out independent reporting and make it accessible to other company divisions.
  • Hydropower: Real-time dashboards can be published via a collaboration platform and made available for collaborative editing.
  • Wind power: Users can carry out free analyses on real-time data and combine them with other sources.

There is also the technical benefit:

  • IT can offer business departments an integrated platform for all use cases.
  • Development processes can be made agile
  • All departments can start new application projects within minutes.
  • Data scientists can carry out analyses in isolated environments without burdening the platform or users.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Digital platform in the Microsoft Azure Cloud provides mass data centrally
  • Cross-divisional analyses enable diverse synergies for the business
  • New requirements can be implemented quickly and effectively
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Customer success

How to make your production more efficient with real-time data

At a glance

  • Manufacturer of special pumps monitors its entire production in real time
  • Companies, customers and employees benefit from more transparency and improved processes
  • Solution connects local SAP ERP with services in the Azure Cloud

The business situation of our client

Production processes must be as efficient as possible in order for companies to survive in global competition. This was also recognised by one of our industrial customers, a global leader in the manufacture of special pumps. Together, we implemented a monitoring system based on real-time data for its entire production line and achieved a large number of improvements as a result. Because: Up until this point, neither the production status nor the progress of an order could be tracked. The finished goods usually reached the shipping department without notice.

The solution for our client

Our customer’s production process involves pushing the picked individual parts of a pump from one production cell to the next on a transport trolley. In our solution, each trolley receives its own RFID tag, which is linked to the relevant order. The individual manufacturing cells are equipped with corresponding RFID gates. We process the resulting data stream via a real-time route based on services from the Microsoft Azure cloud: An Azure Event Hub receives the data and distributes it further. The data is then analysed in real time via Azure Stream Analytics. We have also connected a local SAP ERP with quality-assured reference data. Only by linking it to the SAP data do the findings from the real-time information gain concrete significance. Finally, the data is visualised via a real-time monitoring dashboard in Power BI.

How data turns into new values

The data-driven real-time monitoring generates new values for our customer on very different levels. The status quo of each individual pump can now be precisely tracked. Likewise, those responsible can obtain an overview of all current orders in real time. As a result, the various production steps can be coordinated much more precisely. For example, the efficiency of the employees in the production cells has increased significantly, as they are now informed about upcoming orders at an early stage. And of course, the company’s customers are also much more satisfied: they receive much more precise information about the status and delivery date of their goods.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Manufacturer of special pumps monitors its entire production in real time
  • Companies, customers and employees benefit from more transparency and improved processes
  • Solution connects local SAP ERP with services in the Azure Cloud
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Customer success

Digital platform gives mobile provider a competitive edge

At a glance

  • Central, digital platform brings together all data with maximum depth of detail
  • Those responsible receive a comprehensive view of all relevant business processes
  • Various departments use data to create new value for the company, customers and employees

The business situation of our client

Like all mobile phone providers, one of our clients was struggling with massive competition and cost pressure in the industry. At the same time, the company’s extensive data hid a wide range of potentials to differentiate itself from the competition and to complete the digital transformation. However, due to a proliferation of different analytical solutions and data silos in the individual departments, these remained largely unused:

  • Fragmented data – for example on purchase history, reaction to campaigns or behaviour on the web – made an overarching view of the customer impossible.
  • Due to a lack of data quality, depth of detail and possibilities for linking, it was not possible to carry out multi-value analyses on customers, products, branches, supply chains or financial flows.
  • Due to the lack of a single point of truth, no consistent business metrics were available as a basis for key decisions.
  • Issuing different front-ends drove up operating costs.

Therefore, it was necessary to consolidate all data with maximum detail on a central, digital platform and make it available for different use cases and analyses of the individual departments. A uniform self-service solution for all areas was to support this objective. Similarly, reporting for management and operational processes had to be standardised across departments. Last but not least, real-time data was to be made usable for the business.

The solution for our client

Our client’s integrated platform is to be understood as a Modern Data Warehouse. As usual, we exclusively used Microsoft technologies. The development included the following steps:


  1. Formation of a BI Competence Centre in Controlling
  2. Data modelling: We network all data on the platform in maximum detail. The flexible data model enables rapid adaptation to market changes.
  3. Data integration: All departments and their data are integrated step by step.
  4. Near-real-time: Based on a Lambda architecture, we enable the processing of real-time data in all required processes.
  5. Self-service: Business users receive easy-to-use self-service tools (Excel, Power BI). The self-explanatory data model also allows simple data management activities.
  6. Ad-hoc analysis: Business users have the option of carrying out free analyses in the data rooms provided.
  7. Data governance: The solution is legally approved by data protection officers.


How data turns into new values

Our client now has a comprehensive view of all relevant business processes. The different departments can use all data for their respective use cases to optimise the business and create new values that benefit the company, its customers as well as its own employees:

  • Need-based customer targeting: customers are addressed with the appropriate products at the right time on the preferred channel.
  • New products: Fine segmentation enables innovative offers and quick adaptation to market trends.
  • Reliable contribution margins: Sales of contracts can already be forecast when the contract is signed.
  • Mobile sales management: Reports and dashboards can be accessed on all conceivable devices.
  • Transparent dealer management: Advertising cost subsidies, sales promotions and commissions are clearly displayed.
  • Detailed advertising success control: The success of advertising measures on the web can be evaluated in detail, right down to the contribution margin achieved per customer.
  • Fraud detection: Within a few months, irregularities were uncovered that would have caused losses in the millions.
  • Churn management: Customers who are willing to switch are identified at an early stage and addressed with individual marketing measures.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Central, digital platform brings together all data with maximum depth of detail
  • Those responsible receive a comprehensive view of all relevant business processes
  • Various departments use data to create new value for the company, customers and employees
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Customer success

Digital services support car park owners and car park users

At a glance

  • Special BI module enables data-based car park management
  • Operators can define occupancy-based tariffs
  • Solution enables better utilisation and higher customer loyalty

The business situation of our client

Business Intelligence (BI) systems offer the opportunity in almost every industry to use data to unlock new value for their own business and their customers. A leading provider of car park infrastructure offers a good example. The company supplies car park owners with a wide range of components for their operations – from barrier systems and video surveillance to cash register systems and software controls.

Together with us, they wanted to expand their range of services with data-driven services that would benefit both car park operators and their customers. The focus was primarily on utilisation-dependent tariff models that were more strongly oriented towards the habits of the car park users.

The solution for our client

For this purpose, we extended the operative software that the company provides for each car park operator with a special business intelligence module. It is based on Microsoft’s SQL Server and offers a wide range of evaluation options. Here, the operator’s operational data is extracted, processed and finally collected in a Data Warehouse. The spectrum of data ranges from technical events such as barrier movements to cash flow. Corresponding reports are then provided via an OLAP cube with Analysis Services. Operators can also perform free ad-hoc-analyses on the data.

How data turns into new values

With the help of this solution, our client’s customers can now segment car park users into groups such as long-term parkers or one-time users for the first time. Based on this information, various pricing models can be calculated to improve both occupancy and turnover. For example, long-term parkers receive their own customer cards at special rates. If typical gaps in capacity utilisation are identified, the operator can offer particularly favourable prices at these times. In addition, there is the option of querying minute-by-minute stands across all locations and retrieving the total turnover. As a result, intelligent parking management ensures better utilisation, higher turnover and increased customer loyalty.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Special BI module enables data-based car park management
  • Operators can define occupancy-based tariffs
  • Solution enables better utilisation and higher customer loyalty
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Would you like to use your data for digital services that give you an edge over your competitors?

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of data with us

Customer success

Analysis of receipts down to item level: Retailer gains maximum benefit for business

At a glance

  • Central, digital platform brings together three years of historical POS data
  • For the first time, receipt data can be analysed down to item level
  • Various departments from controlling and marketing to purchasing and auditing benefit from the findings.

The business situation of our client

In retail, the analysis of receipts can be a source for a variety of business improvements. However, not all receipt data analysis is the same, as the example of one of our clients shows. The large retail group was already using cash register data as a decision support tool. But only historical evaluations could be made on aggregated data. Ad-hoc analyses were also hardly possible. Accordingly, the potential of the extensive available data was at best only rudimentarily unlocked.

This situation was mainly due to the fact that each department was working on its own systems with too little performance and its own, very limited data pool. Therefore, our most important step was to consolidate all data with maximum detail in a modern enterprise Data Warehouse (DWH) to network it and make it available company-wide.

The solution for our client

In the central enterprise DWH, we have combined the historical cash register data of the past three years. In total, this involves over 100 billion receipt lines or 30 TB of data. The enormous amounts of data as well as the complex requirements of a detailed receipt data analysis require a high-performance data model as well as modern, powerful technologies. In addition to our many years of experience, Microsoft products have provided us with the best services here, as usual.

The new solution offers our customer high data quality, great transparency of sources as well as very efficient data processing. For example, data for ad-hoc analyses can be retrieved within a few seconds. The data is processed intelligently – i.e. even different formats can be read out uniformly in one processing step. These processes are automated.

How data turns into new values

Our customer can now analyse every receipt down to the level of individual items. This benefits very different areas of the company, such as:


  • Ad-hoc analyses with all relevant key figures and dimensions
  • Comparison of branches and regions as well as products and product groups
  • Data can be used as a reliable basis for important decisions


  • Data on baseline sales per day, shop and article, as well as on the take-up effects of promotional merchandise
  • Model for advertising success control optimises marketing expenses
  • Integrated inventory management for supplementary evaluation of seasonal items and discount promotions
  • Customised offers and discounts for customers
  • Purchasing
  • Determination of the best price in relation to sales increases turnover and profits
  • Evaluation of autodisposition optimises shelf utilisation and capital commitment


  • Irregularities are automatically displayed or detected

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Central, digital platform brings together three years of historical POS data
  • For the first time, receipt data can be analysed down to item level
  • Various departments from controlling and marketing to purchasing and auditing benefit from the findings.
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Would you also like to use your POS data to comprehensively optimise your business and gain a clear advantage over your competitors?

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of data with us

Customer success

Shopping Portal improves its financial reporting with Power BI

At a glance

  • Financial reporting is automated through the use of Power BI
  • Even inexperienced users can work with data and create new value for the business
  • Collaboration platform enables company-wide dissemination of insights gained

The business situation of our client

Being “online” is no longer a competitive advantage. Shopping portals are also facing ever-increasing competitive pressure, which demands ongoing optimisation and quick decisions based on data. This was also evident at a well-known German supplier of branded goods. Until the time of our cooperation, the company’s financial reporting was exclusively created manually and sent by email. Likewise, there were no adequate tools for ad-hoc analyses of acute business issues. Finally, due to a massive backlog of requirements in the company’s own Data Warehouse, many important key figures were not available. Thus, there was an urgent need for a modern solution that would enable the finance department to use the existing data efficiently and flexibly.

The solution for our client

With the help of Power BI – Microsoft’s leading self-service service in the Azure cloud – we were able to quickly set up our own analysis solution for the department. For this, the data from the various sources was imported and merged into an updatable data model that depicts all relevant financial ratios for managing the company. Based on this, standard reports and dashboards can be provided automatically. Power BI also offers business users a wide range of options for carrying out ad-hoc analyses according to their own ideas. Alternatively, the more familiar Microsoft Excel is also available as a tool. In addition, we have established a company-wide collaboration platform in the cloud via the Power BI portal, which also gives other groups of people and areas in the company access to the department’s analysis results.

How data turns into new values

Thanks to the simple data model and the self-service tools used, even inexperienced users can work independently with data to create meaningful reports, dashboards and ad-hoc analyses. Last but not least, the complementary use of Excel ensures high user acceptance. Due to the free access via the collaboration platform, other company departments also benefit from the insights gained. Management and specialist departments can even access all important information on a mobile basis at any time. In addition, key figures can be realised or expanded much faster, so that the reporting of the finance department forms a much more valid basis for decision-making.

However, such isolated analysis solutions only give companies short-term breathing space in the digital race. In the medium to long term, these so-called data silos lead to a proliferation of reports and the loss of uniform key figures. The next step is to expand the existing DWH into a digital platform in the cloud that unites all company divisions and their data. Power BI not only offers the best prerequisites for this approach. The service is harmoniously integrated into the diverse eco-system of Azure Cloud Services. Accordingly, it can be expanded as needed into a modern DWH that serves every conceivable scenario of contemporary data evaluation, from forecast scenarios to digital products.

turn your data into value.

At a glance

  • Financial reporting is automated through the use of Power BI
  • Even inexperienced users can work with data and create new value for the business
  • Collaboration platform enables company-wide dissemination of insights gained
Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Do you also want to modernise your data analysis with Power BI and create sustainable competitive advantages?

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