
Unlock the full potential of your data with the right technology

Digital platform as a driver for change

Digitisation provides you with more and more data on customers, employees, processes and products. But how can you use this data for your business? With a digital feedback loop, you establish an interaction process between all these levels. It ensures better results and continuously pushes your data-driven change. At the heart you find a digital platform that continuously pulls current data from all areas, brings it together and makes it available.


“Better together” – Data platform with special features

Your digital feedback loop is based on a central cloud platform that brings together all data and makes it available for the continuous improvement of your company. A combination of Azure Services and Databricks as the engine for data integration and data preparation has proven to be the most economical and high-performance solution. You create a stable fundament on which you can flexibly drive your digital growth.

Another special feature of your data platform is the ORAYLIS Automation Framework – a “homemade” service that not only simplifies development processes. It also enables global data flows to be processed near real time. As a tool for data visualization, Power BI is integrated into every employee’s desktop.

The way of your data to commercial use

From data integration to visualization

Data Integration

Combine data from different sources on a consistent cloud platform quickly and securely.

Data Preparation

Organize and refine your data and make it available for a wide range of use cases.

Data Visualization

With user-friendly analysis tools, all employees achieve valuable insights quickly and efficiently.

Jens Kröhnert
turn your data into value

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Together with my team, I develop customized solutions based on latest technologies. How can my expert knowledge help in your projects? Let’s have a talk.